Enacting Code Zodiac
Satara- Enacting Code Zodiac
As the snow began to fall, it took everyone by surprise!
It was late July, and the snow never fell at this “hottest time of the year,” people pulled their cars over and watched from within the buildings and homes throughout the coastal towns and cities to get a better look at the phenomenon.
The sky was full of grey, pink and white clouds, rolling over the earth, with blinding white snow falling from its belly, leaving everything in its path covered in the thick white powder.
Children playing in their own backyards began gasping for air and falling to the ground. A mother runs to her son who lays helpless under the swing set, holding his neck with both hands. His tongue is hanging to the side of his open mouth, and as he struggles to breathe, he suddenly releases his grip and dies in his mother’s arms.
While she is weeping for her loss, she becomes overwhelmed by the gases. Gripping her son in one arm and fighting for her last breath, she tries to get them both back into the safety of her home. Just a few steps from the back porch, she collapses and loses her battle falling to her death with her son still clutched in her arms.
Whatever was happening during this freak storm, was affecting everyone who was outside. Some people started to venture out of their homes to get a better look at the falling snow. What they witnessed was the shocking reality that countless others of their neighbors who were unfortunate to be outside when this storm came, were dead or dying - falling to the ground as they struggled to reach safety.
Teenagers and students of all ages, returning home from after-
school activities fell victim to the deadly snow. Fear rose in the masses as more and more bodies began to litter the streets and walkways of every grid in the path of the unrelenting cloud.
Just as one man was about to open his front door, he heard the familiar siren sound effect that signals the beginning of an emergency broadcast.
“This is an Emergency, this is an Emergency, repeated the announcer. This is the activation of the emergency broadcast system, for the eastern states, this information is for all within the sound of this broadcast. Stay in your homes and places of enclosed shelter, do not venture outdoors, civil authorities in your area have reported a massive storm, traveling west from the Atlantic Ocean, moving north/east, they are tracking the storm and asking everyone stay inside for safety. There have been reports that this storm carries a deadly snow, we are receiving reports of countless fatalities and injuries with more expected as this storm makes its way across the east coast. All those within the sound of this alert are to remain where they are until further notice. We will update you as more information comes through. Stay inside your homes and places of safety, a deadly snow has fallen across part of the East coast.”
Radio stations began broadcasting the same warnings. People traveling in their cars were to turn off all ventilation systems and return all domes to the covered positions. They were to return to their homes and remain there until further notice. The snow looked like snow but did not leave the air cold.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or means without the written permission of the author, except in cases of brief quotations. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2017 Solana
Book Cover and Interior: Candy O’Donnell

“They recruited me, and all along I thought I had fought to receive such a prestigious station so soon after graduating from Med School!"
Growing up in a world aware of its limited resources, yet fully living in the senses, John felt compelled to heal the planet for all living beings.
It became his passion, as he was connected to the heartbeat of his home planet, Satara.
John became suspicious of those in control of the World's Policies. Soon, John’s greatest fears were realized with the invasion of the A.I.!
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